Educational technology ,careers and future : January 2019

Saturday, January 19, 2019

BSNL high speed FTTH Bharat Fiber(Internet) launched to take on JIO Giga Fiber

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited ,state owned Government company lanched its high speed Fiber to Home services on 19-1-2019 with daily high speed data limits of 35 GB .

Internship opportunity in Bharat Broadband  Network Limited (BBNL)

Bharat fiber offers data with price as low as 1.1 Rs per GB. RJIO is working aggresively in its JIO Giga fiber service. After disruption in telecom services next target of RJIO is fiber broadband and Enterprise business. Till date these services are offered in selected cities by RJIO but soon ,this service will be launched in 1400 cities across India. 

Artificial Intelligence course designed by IIT Kharagpur
To take a lead BSNL introduced High Speed FTTH services in the cities where FTTH service is vailable. BSNl offers FTTH service in nearly 100 cities across India .You can check if BSNL FTTH service is available in your city on BSNL website or click here .

BSNL is Torch Bearer of Digital India

BSNL is taking Digital India initiative forward by active participation in NOFN and Bhratnet project connecting 250000 Gram Panchayats of India.
These fiber connection provide at Gram panchayat will be look after by BSNL afer completion of Bharatnet project.

Other Services by BSNL

BSNL offers 2G , 3G and broadband services
across the nation. BSNL  started 4G service
in few places recently.BSNL also offers wi-fi hot-spot service in rual areas. BSNL also offering internet telephony by WINGS app at very affordable prices. WINGS is VOIP service which can be used for voice and video calling using Internet 

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Google Cloud services free and paid services


Cloud Computing is sharing of computer infrastructure or database  and higher-level services that can be rapidly provisioned with minimal management effort, often over the Internet. In layman terms cloud computing can be understood as using different computers connected via internet to store and process any data in place of single data servers.


Google cloud Platform , is a collection of cloud computing services that runs on the same infrastructure that Google uses internally for its user products, such as You Tube and Google search. Along with a set of management tools, it also provides a series of  cloud services including computing, data analytics, data storage, and Machine learning . 

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Google Cloud Platform provides Infrastructure as a service, Platform as a service and serverless computing environments.
Google lists over 90 products under the Google Cloud brand. Some of the key services are listed below.


Computing services

·        App Engine – 
Platform as a Service to deploy Java, PHP, Node.js, Python, C#, .Net, Rubyand Go applications.
·        Compute Engine - Infrastructure as a Service to run Microsoft Windows and Linux virtual machines.
·        Kubernetes Engine - Containers as a Service based on Kubernetes.
·        Cloud Functions - Functions as a Service to run event-driven code written in Node.js or Python.

Storage & Databases

·        Cloud Storage- Storage with integrated edge caching to store unstructured data.
·        Cloud SQL - Database as a Service based on MySQL and PostgreSQL.
·        Cloud BigTable -  Managed NoSQL database service.

·        Cloud Datastore - NoSQL database for web and mobile applications.
·        Persistent Disk -  Block Storage for Compute Engine virtual machines.
·        Cloud Memory Store - Managed in-memory data store based on Redis.


. Virtual Private Cloud for managing the software defined network of cloud resources.

·        Cloud Load Balancing
·        Cloud Armor.
·        Cloud CDN - Content Delivery Network based on Google's globally distributed edge points of presence. As of June 2018, the service is in Beta.
·        Cloud Interconnect - Service to connect a data center with Google Cloud Platform
·        Cloud DNS - Managed, authoritative DNS service.
·        Network Service Tiers - Option to choose Premium vs Standard network tier for higher performing network.


Cloud Artificial Intelligence

·        Cloud AutoML - Service to train and deploy custom machine learning models.
·        Cloud TPU - Accelerators used by Google to train machine learning models.
·        Cloud Machine Learning Engine
·       Dialog flow Enterprise -  Development environment based on Google's machine learning for building conversational interfaces.
·     Cloud Speech-to-Text - Speech to text conversion service based on machine learning.
·     Cloud Text-to-Speech - Text to speech conversion service based on machine learning.
·        Cloud Translation API - Service to dynamically translate between thousands of available language pairs
·        Cloud Vision API
·      Cloud Video Intelligence - Video analysis service based on machine learning

Not only above but Google cloud provides number of other services like Management tools ,Identity & Security, IoT , API Platform, etc.


Above services are mainly focused for the businesses which requires cloud services for storage, processing, and networking .But if you are an Individual student, professional, teacher etc. still Google cloud can help you. Google offers various online professional courses from renowned universities like university of Penysylvania .These certified courses are available in computer science ,application development, web development etc. based on your requirement.

For Students

Students can get courses in management ,computers science and other streams as per choice .The period of such courses is six months.

For Teachers and Professionals

Google cloud offers special discounts for University teachers, professionals who wants to enhance their skills by pursuing online courses.


If you want paid services from Google cloud you can sign up on Google cloud with your credit card or bank details .You don’t need to pay anything in advance .Once registered your Google cloud account will be credited with 300$ .You can use this amount for your purchase of products on Google cloud for next 12 months.

If you don’t want to give your bank details and credit card details before checking course, you can login for free .Once you Sign up on Google cloud , 7 Days free trail is given to you .After 7 days if you want to continue further you will require to pay for the services you avail.


Google provides 10 GB of storage on Google drive to every Gmail Id free of cost If you want to use more space you need to pay Google for that. Google charges nearly 10 $ per month for one terabyte of space.

Source:Technical info from Wikipedia.







Saturday, January 12, 2019

Artificial Intelligence course designed by IIT Kharagpur

With greater emphasis of Industries on Artificial Intelligence , there is huge demand of professionals to work in the field of Artificial Intelligence. But in India no Institute is providing such a professional course right now to train students in the field.

To fulfill the industry demand and future needs of Indian market IIT Kharagpur has designed a six months course on Artificial Intelligence & Machine learning for students  and working professionals .This course is likely to be launched in the month of March 2019, as per reports of Indian Express.

Where these corses will be taught ?

This course will not be conducted by IIT Kharagpur alone .IIT Bangalore ,IIT Hydrabad and IIT Karnataka will also start this course on Artificial Intelligence , according to PP Chakrabarti ,Director of IIT Kharagpur.

Who designed the Course?

The curriculam on Artificial Intelligence is designed by the faculty of  IIT Kharagpur after consultation from the experts in the Industry. This initiative will provide required talent pool in the field  of Artificial Intelligence which is going to be a game changer technology in near future.

This course is comprised of 16         one -credit modules and one R&D project. Classes for these courses will be taken by the experts from IIT Kharagpur ,other Academic Institution and Industry .

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Mobile number portability history, procedure and new guidelines

Mobile number portability is the facility of changing of your telecom service provider without changing your number .There are two types of Number portability .

1. Recipient Led Porting

 As per  International and European standard is f customer wishing to port his/her number need to contact  new network (recipient), which then sends the number portability request (NPR) to the current network (donor). This is known as "recipient-led" porting.

2. Donor Led Porting

The UK and India are the only exceptions to implement the donor-led porting system. The customer wishing to port his/her number is required to contact the donor to obtain (PAC) in the UK and Unique porting code(UPC) in India)which is then given to the recipient network. The recipient continues the porting process by contacting the donor with a porting code. This form of porting is known as "donor-led" porting system.

new MNP Guidelines

Drawback of Donor Led Porting System

Although this system  prevents MNP scams. It has  been observed that it may act as customer deterrent as well as allowing the donor an opportunity of "winning back" the customer. This might lead to distortion of competition.

History of Porting in India 

Based on the recommendations of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) on MNP, dated 8 March 2006, the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) issued guidelines for Mobile Number Portability implementation in the country on 1st Aug 2008. Subsequently, the DoT selected two companies as MNP Service providers each serving in a designated zone in the country. As per the instructions of DoT dated 6 May 2009, a Port Transaction Charge will be charged by the MNP Service Provider from the recipient carrier for processing each porting request. The Dipping charge shall be payable by those telecom service providers who utilize the query response services from the MNP Service Provider. The Porting Charge is payable by the subscriber to the recipient carrier for porting his mobile number. The port transaction charge, dipping charges and the porting charge shall be governed by the Telecom Tariff Order (TTO)/ determination by TRAI.

Technical details

A significant technical aspect of MNP is related to the routing of calls or messages to a number once it has been ported. There are various types of call routing implemented  across the globe but the International and European best practice is via the use of a central database (CDB) of ported numbers.

 A network operator makes copies of the central database and queries it to find out to which network to send a call. This is also known as All Call Query (ACQ) and is highly efficient and scalable. A majority of the established and upcoming MNP systems across the world are based on this ACQ/CDB method of call routing.

One of the few countries not to use ACQ/CDB is the UK, where once a number has been ported, calls to that number are still routed via the donor network. This is also known as "indirect routing" and is highly inefficient, as it is wasteful of transmission and switching capacity.

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Porting Time

Prior to March 2008 it took a minimum of 5 working days to port a number in the UK compared to 3.5 working days in Pakistan, 2 hours in United States, as low as 20 minutes in the Republic of Ireland, 3 minutes in Australia and even a matter of seconds in New Zealand. 

On 17 July 2007, Ofcom(Telecom Regulatory Authority of UK) released its conclusions from the review of the UK MNP and mandated reduction of porting time to 2 working days effective from 1 April 2008.

on 8 July 2010, Ofcom issued a final statement, retaining the donor-led process, mandating a two-hour PAC release time, and reducing the porting time from two to one working day.

In a decentralised model of MNP, a flexible number register may be used to manage a database of ported out/ported in numbers for call routing.

In India time required for Mobile number portability was 7 days earlier  which was further reduced to 2 days for Home LSA(Within State) and 4 days for inter LSA(one state to other state ) in India as per TRAI’s 7th Amendment to Mobile number portability  Rules,  Dated 13.12.2018, effective from 1 Jan 2019
Porting can be done only after completion of 90 days in one network . Port request can be cancelled within 24 hours of application.

Mobile Number Portability(MNP) Procedure in India

For MNP you need  to write in message box "PORT space MOB NO" and send SMS to 1900 , a unique porting code(UPC) will be send to your mobile by your current operator ,this UPC will be valid for  4 days.

After that you need to visit retailer shop or service center of receiver operator(Telecom operator on which you are porting) and need to give this UPC code along with desired documents and Photograph, to fill the form for porting. New SIM will be provided by retailer or service center. Your request of porting will be send by Receiver operator to Donor operator, once request is accepted by donor operator your old SIM will stop working. Then you need to insert new SIM in your mobile ,now your number is ported in new network.

Artificial Intelligence

Porting Charge to Customer

There is no charge of porting your number but activation recharge is required by new telecom operator to give validity and balance.

After the amendment in MNP policy , recently AIRTEL and IDEA-VODAFONE made compulsory for customers to recharge for min. 35 Rs in a month to continue services. Since this change huge surge is observed in Mobile Number portability from these two operators to RJIO and BSNL. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Internship opportunity in Bharat Broadband Network Limited (BBNL)

About  BBNL

Bharat Broadband Network Limited(BBNL) , is a Government of India Enterprise established on 25 Feb 2012,  under companies act 1956. In 2011 Government of India launched a project National optical fiber network(NOFN) initiative later renamed as Bharat Net to connect 2,50,000 Gram Panchayats with optical fibers . The main motive of this project is to provide internet connectivity  to 625000 villages across the country. To achieve this goal BBNL was incorporated by Government of India as a special purpose vehicle.

Internship in BBNL

BBNL has invited application from the eligible candidates for Internship for maximum period of one year.Although no stipend will be paid for the internship it is a great opportunity to learn.


BBNL is providing opportunity of Internship for candidates with educational qualification :
PG/Research/ Chartered Accountancy/ ICWA/ Company Secretary /MBA /Engineering students of Indian nationality

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Topics for interns

The committee will finalize the topics in advance on which the interns will work.

Guidelines/procedure for Internship: 

1. The students will apply by filling their detailed information as per the (as Annexure-I). 
2. No TA & DA will be given to the Interns, for joining the Internship programme. 
3. The candidate will be required to produce a permission / recommendation letter from their head of the Institution or the Head of the Department before undertaking the internship. 
4. All applications will be scrutinized and the actual offer will be sent to the selected candidates subject to the availability of slot and the approval of competent authority

Click Here for Application Form

What work in BBNL

Main purpose of BBNL is to provide internet connectivity in rural areas .For this purpose each gram panchayat will be connected to optical fiber ,ONT will be installed in these panchayats from where further connectivity can be provided to telecom operators to provide FTTH connections and Wi-Fi Hotspots in rural areas. BBNL is using GPON(Gigabit Passive Optical Network Technology) technology at National level.
Tenders for cable laying work as been allotted to BSNL, Railtel, Power Grid in different states .By doing internship there is great opportunity to learn about optical networks and systems.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Mukesh Ambani from a Univerty dropout to a business baron

Mukesh Ambani son of Dhirubhai Ambani,it is a worldwide known name today. The richest man of India and Richest person out of North America and Europe. Although world knows Mukesh Ambani as a successful businessman today ,but very few know that he has struggled along with his father in early days and to grow business of his father he has to  drop his MBA from Stanford university .


Mukesh Ambani was on 19 April 1957  to Dhirubhai Ambani and Kokilaben Ambani  in Aden,  Yemen when his father used to work there. In 1958 Dhirubhai moved back to India to start business of trade in spices but later turned to textile business and started brand “Vimal”. Mukesh ambani in early days used public transport for going to his schools and college.

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Mukesh Ambani attended Hill Grange High School in Mumbai and got his BE degree in Chemical Engineering from Institute of Chemical Technology (UDCT),Matunga. Mukesh Ambani later enrolled for his MBA at Stanford University. As Dhirubhai planned big for Reliance in 1980  he called Mukesh back to support his business . Mukesh ambani dropped his MBA degree at Stanford and returned India to help his father to grow his business. Dirubhai Ambani always believed that real business skills can be earned through experience not by classroom lectures.

Business Career

In 1980 ,Indira Gandhi was prime minister and Government opened Polyster Filament yarn manufacturing for private sector. Although it was very difficult to get License , Dhirubhai applied for the license and facing stiff competition from TATA and BIRLA , Dhirubhai got the license to help him build the PFY plant, Dhirubhai pulled his eldest son Mukesh out of Stanford, to work with him in the company. Mukesh dropped college and worked for backward integration in Reliance  to generate more revenue and improve efficiency. As per instruction from Dhirubhai Ambani, Mukesh has to report to Rasikbhai Meshwani who was executive director at that time.The company was build from the srach and everybody contributed to company. At the age of 24 Mukesh was given given charge of the construction of Patalganga petrochemical plant when the company was heavily investing in oil refinery and petrochemicals.

Reliance Infocomm and Beginning of
Business empire of Mukesh Ambani

Mukesh Ambani started Reliance infocomm limited now known as reliance communications Limited, in 2002 which was focused on Information and communication only. Reliance launched its nationwide CDMA mobile services with the tag line of ,"Kar lo Duniya Mutthi main" .Reliance started providing CDMA mobile devices with monthly plans at low cost . After the death of Dhirubhai Ambani , both the brothers Mukesh and Anil get into tussle for property as Dhirubhai Ambani left no will behind .Finally family fued was solved with the intervention of their mother Kokilaben Ambani. Mukesh Ambani got Reliance Industries and Petrochemical business while Anil got Reliance infocomm and few other industry.

Mukesh Ambani again touched the milestone by establishing world largest grassroot petroleum refinery at Jamnagar with capacity to produce 660000 barrels per day in 2010. This refinery is integrated with petrochemicals products, power generation, Port and other related infrastructure. 

Reliance provides excellent facility to its employees of reliance family, working at the Jamnagar refinery.

In 2014 Mukesh Ambani addresses 40th annual general meeting(AGM) of reliance industries and announced to spend Rs. 1.8 trillion in next three years and to  launch 4G  services in 2015. Although 4G services were launched with new brand name RJIO Infocomm in September 2016 , Reliance launched 4G mobile with brand name LYF in February 2016. Gradually business of RJIO increased rapidly with aggressive pricing and quality of service .India became biggest data user in the world .Within two years RJIO captured 20 % market share in Indian telecom market.

RJIO not only provided 4G services but also various other services like JIO money, JIO TV, Jio music etc. to Indian customers. RJIo is the only telecom operator possessing nationwide 4G spectrum in premium band of 850Mhz and 1800 Mhz.

RJIO provided 4G services starting from Rs. 49 per month  for customers who purchased Jio phones.Since the entry of RJIO all other operators has to bear severe loss in business .Due to heavy losses many telecom operators like TATA docomo, Aircel,  reliance communications closed their business in telecom. Idea and Vodafone merged their business to survive . Indian Telecom market left with only four national operators including BSNL, AIRTEL, IDEA-VODAFONE .

Along with telecom venture Mukesh launched its e-commerce fashion website with the tag line “Doubt is out” .With the stringent e-commerce policy changes in 2018 AJIO is targeting indian customers aggressively to compete with Amazon and Flipkart.

Reliance retail, Reliance trends are other ventures of  Mukesh Ambani.

Wealth and controversies

Mukesh Ambani is currently wealthiest Asian ,leaving behind Chinese business baron,founder of Jack ma. As of February 2018,  Bloomberg’s "Robin Hood Index" estimated that Mukesh Ambani's personal wealth was enough to fund the operations of the Indian  government for 20 days.

Name of Mukesh Ambani is linked with many controversies. In February 2014, a  FIR alleging criminal offences was filed against Mukesh Ambani for alleged irregularities in the pricing of natural gas from the  K.G basin. Kejriwal has alleged that the Center allowed the price of gas to be inflated to eight dollars a unit though Mukesh Ambani's company spends only one dollar to produce a unit, which meant a loss of Rs. 540 billion to the country annually.

Other controversy raised about predatory pricing by RJIO to provide free services for almost a year. Although  AIRTEL appealed against RJIO in TRAI and TDSAT but could not get favorable judgement. .State government of Rajasthan and Chhattisgadh distributed JIO Phones in the state priced at Rs .500 from the fund of State government thus causing criticism for many corners for favoritism.
One more controversy was associated with RJIO during state election in Madhya Pradesh in 2018 when election commission allotted tender to RJIO to provide internet connectivity during vote counting which was cancelled when objections were raised by Indian national congress.

Awards and Honors to Mukesh Ambani

Mukesh Ambani has been awarded number of awards few of them are listed below:

1.Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year-in the year 2000 by  Ernst & Young India.

2. Global Vision Award at The Awards Dinner-in the year 2010 by Asia Society

3. Businessman of the Year-in the year 2010 by Financial Chronicle

4.    School of Engineering and Applied Science Dean's Medal-by University of Pennsylvania

5. 5th-best performing global CEO –in 2010 by Harward Business review.

6. Foreign member, U. S. National Academy of Engineering in 2016 by National Academy of Engineering.

7. Othmer Gold Medal-in 2016 by Chemical Heritage Foundation.
 Summary: Mukesh Ambani, now the richest Asian man ,is the shy and modest person according to her wife Nita Ambani , he also believes in collective efforts in business and is a visionary businessman . Since he launched RJIO in telecom market by launching 4G services, India has seen rapid growth in digital transactions, as well as data speeds available to customers. Mukesh Ambani is Investing heavily in future technologies like 5G and Artificial intelligence.

Source: Wikipedia

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