Educational technology ,careers and future : Google Cloud services free and paid services

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Google Cloud services free and paid services


Cloud Computing is sharing of computer infrastructure or database  and higher-level services that can be rapidly provisioned with minimal management effort, often over the Internet. In layman terms cloud computing can be understood as using different computers connected via internet to store and process any data in place of single data servers.


Google cloud Platform , is a collection of cloud computing services that runs on the same infrastructure that Google uses internally for its user products, such as You Tube and Google search. Along with a set of management tools, it also provides a series of  cloud services including computing, data analytics, data storage, and Machine learning . 

Artificial Intelligence and future with Artificial Intelligence

Google Cloud Platform provides Infrastructure as a service, Platform as a service and serverless computing environments.
Google lists over 90 products under the Google Cloud brand. Some of the key services are listed below.


Computing services

·        App Engine – 
Platform as a Service to deploy Java, PHP, Node.js, Python, C#, .Net, Rubyand Go applications.
·        Compute Engine - Infrastructure as a Service to run Microsoft Windows and Linux virtual machines.
·        Kubernetes Engine - Containers as a Service based on Kubernetes.
·        Cloud Functions - Functions as a Service to run event-driven code written in Node.js or Python.

Storage & Databases

·        Cloud Storage- Storage with integrated edge caching to store unstructured data.
·        Cloud SQL - Database as a Service based on MySQL and PostgreSQL.
·        Cloud BigTable -  Managed NoSQL database service.

·        Cloud Datastore - NoSQL database for web and mobile applications.
·        Persistent Disk -  Block Storage for Compute Engine virtual machines.
·        Cloud Memory Store - Managed in-memory data store based on Redis.


. Virtual Private Cloud for managing the software defined network of cloud resources.

·        Cloud Load Balancing
·        Cloud Armor.
·        Cloud CDN - Content Delivery Network based on Google's globally distributed edge points of presence. As of June 2018, the service is in Beta.
·        Cloud Interconnect - Service to connect a data center with Google Cloud Platform
·        Cloud DNS - Managed, authoritative DNS service.
·        Network Service Tiers - Option to choose Premium vs Standard network tier for higher performing network.


Cloud Artificial Intelligence

·        Cloud AutoML - Service to train and deploy custom machine learning models.
·        Cloud TPU - Accelerators used by Google to train machine learning models.
·        Cloud Machine Learning Engine
·       Dialog flow Enterprise -  Development environment based on Google's machine learning for building conversational interfaces.
·     Cloud Speech-to-Text - Speech to text conversion service based on machine learning.
·     Cloud Text-to-Speech - Text to speech conversion service based on machine learning.
·        Cloud Translation API - Service to dynamically translate between thousands of available language pairs
·        Cloud Vision API
·      Cloud Video Intelligence - Video analysis service based on machine learning

Not only above but Google cloud provides number of other services like Management tools ,Identity & Security, IoT , API Platform, etc.


Above services are mainly focused for the businesses which requires cloud services for storage, processing, and networking .But if you are an Individual student, professional, teacher etc. still Google cloud can help you. Google offers various online professional courses from renowned universities like university of Penysylvania .These certified courses are available in computer science ,application development, web development etc. based on your requirement.

For Students

Students can get courses in management ,computers science and other streams as per choice .The period of such courses is six months.

For Teachers and Professionals

Google cloud offers special discounts for University teachers, professionals who wants to enhance their skills by pursuing online courses.


If you want paid services from Google cloud you can sign up on Google cloud with your credit card or bank details .You don’t need to pay anything in advance .Once registered your Google cloud account will be credited with 300$ .You can use this amount for your purchase of products on Google cloud for next 12 months.

If you don’t want to give your bank details and credit card details before checking course, you can login for free .Once you Sign up on Google cloud , 7 Days free trail is given to you .After 7 days if you want to continue further you will require to pay for the services you avail.


Google provides 10 GB of storage on Google drive to every Gmail Id free of cost If you want to use more space you need to pay Google for that. Google charges nearly 10 $ per month for one terabyte of space.

Source:Technical info from Wikipedia.







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