Educational technology ,careers and future : If you are thinking to start a blog, read the post carefully

Thursday, December 27, 2018

If you are thinking to start a blog, read the post carefully

Things to know before starting a blog

Now a days everyone wants to earn by working online one of the best known and in demand profession is blogging. While it doesn't require any investment to start a blog by using WordPress or Google's blogspot. Although starting a blog doesn't require any investment but lot of hard work to generate to create content that can garners sufficient reader base. Before starting a blog you should keep two things in mind:

free blogging tips Blogging for Beginners Patrt-II

1.) Blogging needs content creation of your own for which one to do proper study or research.Copying other content may cause trouble.

2) Blogging needs discipline , if you can write regularly and keep pateince to grow your reader base then only you should start, as it may take one week or one year to get sufficient blog views.

How to start Blog In

First Step

Jut get a Gmail Id and login to after logging to , click on New blog at top left , you will see pop up like shown below

Now give title to your blog (which can represent your content)and desired bog address or website name  which will end with if available you will get the name , you can apply desired theme from the available list, then click on create blog,Its done your blog is ready but without content.

Second Step

Second step id creation of content , click on New post.You will see page shown below:

In the post Give title of your post, write your content in the blank page shown below. Use different heading types Heading,  Subheading, Minor heading in your post. When you are done .There are six options available in the right side . Labels is Category to define your post like, Fashion, Technology, News Etc.Schedule is not required  to use . 3rd option click on links, it will show your link address to the post, below which custom link is available , you can set your link as per your requirement.

Before publishing you can check preview of your blog how it will be displayed on publishing. Once verified you can publish your first post.

3rd Step

Click on Themes and you will see

Now click on settings icon under mobile section new pop up will show 

click on yes show mobile theme, preview will be displayed then save. This is needed to mobile comptiabilty of your web page and will be checked by google search console for crawling.

Step 4 

click on settings and add description of your blog in meta tag

and save .
This is the basic step for setting up your blog

Click here for Part-II

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