Educational technology ,careers and future : MT Recruitment BY BSNL

Saturday, December 15, 2018

MT Recruitment BY BSNL


Yesterday a post was published on this website regarding cancellation of MT recruitment by BSNL based on the news available on the websites and . These two websites are used by BSNL for all recruitment related activities. But it was brought to our notice by our readers that this is an old news. It might be that BSNL has not updated their website. It is therefore yesterday's post has been removed from the our website and we regret for any inconvenience caused by our post about cancellation of MT recruitment by BSNL.

FAQ's about MT recruitment by BSNL

Candidates are advised to visit for any updates and avoid following and . We expect that BSNL will update these two websites to avoid any confusion among candidates.

TRAI’s 7th Amendment to Mobile number portability  Rules

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